Systematic and Functional Kinesiology

The origins of Kinesiology (kin-easy-ology) first originate from the 1930s when the testing of muscles was medically developed for the assessment of muscle tone and strength. Used for developing rehabilitation programmes for people with weak or damaged muscles. George Goodheart an American Chiropractor then developed this in to what we know now as (Bio-Energetic) Applied Kinesiology. Monitoring information that isn't just about the physical aspects of the body, but including all the interrelated bio-energy systems. Such as and also the most common Chinese meridian systems, pressure points and the chakras.

The loss of muscle tone or weakness in the muscles has a direct relationship to loss of tone or weakness in one or several of the bio-energy systems. By using muscle monitoring we are able to pick up blockages with in the body and are able to find out if it is being caused by a nutritional, emotional, physical deficit.

  • What happens in a treatment

    On your initial appointment, medical history will be discussed and a discussion on what you are looking to get out of the treatment, this will give a clearer picture of what is going on within the body. 

    Permission of treatment will be asked, and you would then be asked to stand, or lie on a massage couch and the muscle testing would begin. Using a variety of different muscle positions, taking each limp and moving them in a particular direction. There will be communication throughout so you would know exactly what was being asked, and at any time if you were to feel uncomfortable or in any discomfort it is imperative you tell the kinesiologist so they can either adjust or stop the treatment. 

    Communication is key, this is your time and treatment. The findings of the muscle testing will be discussed and what will happen moving forward. 

    This might include a particular movement on a single or number of pressure points or discussion on nutrition and well being.  

  • Muscle testing explained

    Muscle testing quite simply involves a muscle – commonly a limb – comfortably positioned in either a state of extension or contraction. Slight pressure is then applied to this muscle by the practitioner and the muscle responds in one of two ways in what is termed a “lock” (muscles remain strong) or an “unlock” (muscle weakens). How the muscle responds and what the response is telling us depends on what has been discussed within the treatment between the patient and kinesiologist.

    Because muscle moves bones, when a muscle is balanced it means that a client may feel more energised. If pain was one of the problems discussed and had been experienced before, it can often be reduced or eliminated. When a muscle is tense due to emotional stress, food sensitivities or structure imbalances, then the effect of a balance, helps to release that tension. By looking at the body as a whole and using the art of muscle testing it creates a natural non invasive treatment that can be applied over clothing.

  • Benefits of Kinesiology

    • Improved Immune function
    • Balancing of hormones
    • Reduction of stress levels
    • Increased brain function
    • Improved gut function
    • Increase physical performance
    • Better overall health and wellbeing

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