Massage is often seen as a luxurious treatment rather than a necessity. When we stop to think, our bodies get put through an awful lot, stress from the ever increasing fast pace of life, lifestyle choices, physically and mentally demanding jobs. If we were to expect our cars to run smoothly for a large number of years with out regular maintenance we would be let down in a short space of time. Yet we expect our bodies to keep on going. This can then display as illness, injury, muscular tension, pain with in our bodies and mental and physical exhaustion. By applying techniques to suit the individual we can create ease and comfort through the body from long term injury, rehabilitation and sports related discomfort.
Massage is not only a treatment that relaxes, but one of healing. To enable relaxation we are stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system (The part allows which rest and repair). This has a knock on effect to the rest of the body and each and every system with in it.
On your first session, we will do a full consultation and postural assessment.
We will discuss what you would like from the session, whether that be from pure relaxation to pain or injury relief.
Massage may be found to bring relief from everyday aches, reduce stress, increase relaxation, address feelings of anxiety and tension, and aid general wellness.
It can also be used in support of other therapies to assist in the rehabilitation of muscular injuries.